
Monday, May 7, 2007

RO Ninja Class Review

Haha .... finally, i've finished downloading the latest RO Clients and Athena Server. So i installed them last night and tried all new job class, including Taekwon Boy, Gunslinger and NInja. Of course i've made backups from my previous server before installing the new one. Luckily, there were no serious problem during the setup, except for some NPC scripts. So i just disable these scripts, restore the save data from my previous server and all finished.

Of all the new class, the ninja class was really cool emoticon. What could i say about this class ? Mmm ... it looked like a combination between thief, mage, archer and even rogue and merchant class. Like the thief, ninja could only use dagger class weapons. But there's nothing to worry, ninjas could make their own ninja weapon, and some of them are rare elemental weapons, eg. Gokurin (Shadow-Element), Murasame (Water-Element), Hakujin (Holy-Heal Element) etc.

Lightning Crash, just like mage's thunderstorm skill. 

Ninja could use many things as extra weapons, for example shuriken, kunai, fuuma shuriken and even the zeny (that's actually merchant skill, wasn't it ?). And just like archer class, some of them had to be equipped before used. They also had awesome skill. If you're a run-and-gun attacker type, you'll love them. How about attacking your opponent and then hide right away after the attack ? When you're
in hide condition, you can perform a powerful attack to "backstab" the opponent and then run away again emoticon.

One of the coolest ninja moves, Dragon Fire Formation. Just look at the rising fire dragon ... cool.  

And just like a mage or wizard, ninjas also have some powerful elemental spells. Some of them are offensive moves which will deal great damage to the opponents.

Crimson Fire Formation, a ninja version of wizard's firewall skill. 

Some of the skills are used for defensive purpose, and some of them can reduce status of the opponent. So ninja could easily run away in the dangerous time.

Water Escape Technique, you can run away easily by using this skill  

And of course there are few ultimate skills that could only be used by Ninja class. There are Soul, Illusionary Shadow and Final Strike. Final strike is surely a deadly move. You can deal a huge damage to the opponent by sacrificing almost your entire HP (hey, isn't it just like crusader's Grand Cross ??). After you perform the move, your remaining HP will be 1  emoticon !! What a scary move emoticon !!

Illusionary Shadow, just Bushin no Jutsu technique in Naruto series :lol: 

Owww ... i can't wait to play my ninja char again tonight. Hohooohohohoh ..... emoticon