
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Ragnarok Offline ~ Newbie Guide (EN)

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This is an english guide. Kalo mau guide yg bahasa indonesia, klik di sini. Tp blom gw update, soalnya gw sibuk banget hari ini (guide ini bikinnya 5 jam lo).

Last Updated : May 19th 2007 

Actually, this guide was made just for myself because i'm a forgetful person. I hope this guide could be useful in the future, so i could read it anytime if i'm going to make another offline server.

If you're accidentally browsing into this blog and you're an RO fan, i hope the guide will be useful for you too.

Notes :

  • The private server mentioned here is used for my experimental purpose and self amusement only. Please keep in mind that Ragnarok Online (RO) is a licensed game, so do not ever try to make an RO private server for producing money or any kind of profit purposes, because it's ILLEGAL.
  • Everything written in this guide came from own my experience when i made offline RO for the first time. So there could be some differences with any similar offline RO guides out there. The SVN Eathena version was 8343 and the clients (RO/Sakray) version was 0711 when i made this guide. The latest  client version is 0417 and 10453 for SVN EAthena Server.
  • This guide only uses SVN eAthena Server for RO server. I won't answer questions regarding any other server such as Vidar, Aegis etc etc.
  • This guide could be updated anytime
  • Move the mouse above the pictures to see the detail information
  • Some links in this guide will direct you to eAthena Support Board/Forum. You should register to open some forum topics (it's free).

OK, Let's start !

1. The Basics

In fact, there were no major differencies between Ragnarok Online and the offline one. One aspect which separated the two came from the server side. When you're playing RO (online), the RO client would be connected with RO official servers, such as Loki, Chaos, Fenrir or Sakray server. The simple thing is, if you want to play offline, the main thing you should modify is the server itself. So, by modifying the server, instead of connecting to RO official servers, the client will connect to your own RO server. Your own server could be located at any computer or just at your own computer. it will be said 'offline server' if the server was at a single computer which was not connected to any computers or networks.


In order to play "correctly" you should download several things described below :

  • Korean RO Clients (kRO). The clients are one of the main components to play RO. There are two clients, Ragnarok Online Client (ROC) and Ragnarok Sakray Client (RSC). You must download them all. The size of each clients is about 1 GB (2 GB in total size). The latest clients version is ver. 0417. You can download the clients here.
  • EAthena Server. There are two types of server, the stable (SVN) and trunk. The trunk type is usually unstable and used for experimental purpose, so just use the SVN one. The server database system is divided into two types, Text and mySQL. Use the Text database because it's easy to learn for newbies. The latest server version is ver.10453. You can download the server here.
  • Diff and Sakexe files. Sakexe is the main file for loading the game. Diff is the pacther for sakexe. You can simply say this file as the "RO Crack" file. To "crack" the file, you should use Diff patcher utility. You can download the files (Diff and Sakexe) and the utility here. These files are quickly updated, so use the latest version.
  • Translator Pack. Why should we use the translator pack ? Remember, the clients we used are the original korean version. So we need the translator pack for translating the korean words in there. There are 3 files, you must download them all here.
  • Full Data Folder. This is the update for the translated data used in RO. The latest version is Ver.3. Download it here.

Still didn't get what you have to download ? OK (--sigh--), i'll give you the file lists i used before. You can find them within the links above. But remember, the files version could be updated anytime.

  • RO Clients : RAG_SETUP0417.EXE (ROC), SAK_SETUP0417.EXE (RSC)
  • EAthena Server : eAthena-TXT-10453[Stable].RAR
  • Diff/Sakexe files : 2007-04-17a.RAR
  • Diff patcher utility : diffpatcher.RAR
  • Translation pack : v2-BMPs.RAR, v7-Texture.RAR, v444-Text.RAR
  • Full Data : full_data_v3.7z (you'll need 7zipper or winrar to extract this file)


3. Installations
OK, it's time to install all of the stuffs. Actually, the installation process is really easy.

  • Install the all RO clients, the location is up to you, but they must be in the same directory. Install ROC first and then RSC. Oh yeah, because of the korean language, i'll give some screenshots of the clients installation (later...)
kRO Client Installer
  • Extract eathena server pack, the location is up to you.
  • Extract translation pack inside RO installation folder. If you installed RO in C:Program FilesGravityRO, you have to extract the pack inside this folder.
  • Extract everything in full data folder inside the data folder of RO installation directory. (eg : in C:Program FilesGravityROdata). Overwrite everything if you asked to.


4. Patching sakexe file
Now, we'll "crack" sakexe file. In order to do this, we should use diff patcher utility.

  • Extract diff/sakexe file pack in any locations, it's up to you.
  • Extract diff patcher utility pack in any location. Idem.
  • Go to the diff pacther utility folder, run it, then open the diff and sakexe file with this tool.
Open the diff and sakexe file with diff patcher utility
  • After the files have been loaded, you'll see two patch option lists. Ignore these options, choose the output directory for the patched file and press "Write the Patch" button.
Choose your output directory and patch the file
  • Go to the output folder which contains the patched sakexe, copy the file, then paste it in the RO installation folder. (eg: in C:Program FilesGravityRO).
Paste the patched sakexe file in RO installation folder
  • Make a shortcut for the file, and place it on the desktop.


5. Server Setup
OK, this is another easy process. Just follow the instructions and everything will be ok.

  • Go to eathena folder, open conf folder. You'll see some configuration files. There are 4 main configuration files there : char_athena.conf, login_athena.conf, map_athena.conf and grf-files.txt. You'll edit these files with notepad.
4 Main configuration file in conf folder
  • Open char_athena.conf. Find the "Character Server IP" and "Login Server IP" section and remove double slash (\) in front of the char_ip/login_ip/bind_ip comments. If your computer is not connected to any network, just leave the IP address ( If you're in the network/LAN, change the IP address to your current IP. Don't change the port.If you finished, save the file.
Removes double slash in front of ip comments
  • Open login_athena.conf. Find the "bind_ip" section, remove double slash in front of the bind_ip comments. Idem.
Remove double slash in front of ip comments
  • Open map_athena.conf (remember, not maps_athena.conf !). Idem. Find the section contains IP and remove double slash in front of char_ip/bind_ip/map_ip comments.
Remove double slash in front of  ip comments
  • Open grf-files.txt. This file contains the RO grf files path. Change the path if you choose different installation folder. Save it.
Set the grf files path of RO clients
  • Now we can test the server. Go to the main server folder and run the runserver.bat file. There will be 3 pop-up windows : login server, char server and map server window. Keep attenttion to every server window during the loading process. Normal process is written in green colored fonts, and error process is written in red colored fonts.
Servers loading process, pay attention to the status 
  • Watch the loading process of map server. If there are too many errors when it loads maps from grf files, then there should be something wrong with grf-files.txt file. You could have written the wrong path of grf files. The pictures below show some errors during the loading process.
There's something wrong with your clients maps or grf-files.txt file.

One or more servers are not connected. Check the IP setting.
  • The pictures below show the normal process of each servers. One or two errors could be occured but it's OK.
Normal char server process

Log server normal process

Map server normal process


  • If there are not many errors when loading the maps, make sure that other servers are online and ready. If every thing's OK, congratulations ! You've finished the main process.
  • Close all server windows. Make a shortcut for runserver.bat file and place it on the desktop.


6. Modifying sclientinfo file.
Now, just few steps remaining. We'll edit sclientinfo.xml file. This file is used for logging-in to your server.

  • Open RO installation folder. Go to data folder. If you've copy full data into this folder before (look installation section of this guide), you'll see sclientinfo.xml file in there.
Sclientinfo.xml file in data folder
  • Open the file with notepad. Find display tag : <display>YOUR SERVER DISPLAY NAME HERE</display>, and change the phrase between the tags. eg : <display>Ardhi's Private Server</display>.
Edit the display and address tags
  • Find address tag : <address>YOUR IP HERE</address>, and change the phrase between the tags with your IP number. eg : <address></address>. The IP number must be the same as the servers IP number.
  • Save the file.


7. Testing the game and make an account.
OK everything's finished. Now is the time for testing the game.

  • Run all servers with runserver.bat shortcut on the desktop. Wait until all servers finish the loading process.
  • Run the game with patched sakexe shortcut on the desktop.
RO loading screen
  • You should see a login screen now. To make an account, type a username, add underscore sign after it, and type m for male or f for female gender. eg : Username --> ardhi108_m. (username is ardhi108, it's a male account).
Making an account
  • Type your password normally. Then click ok. If everything goes right, you'll se the characters selection window and you can start playing RO.
Succesful ! Now you can play RO, enjoy !!
  • Next time you logging in, just type your username without m or f sign. eg : ardhi108.

Well ... it's not so difficult isn't it ? As long as you follow the step-by-step instructions, everything will be OK. So have a nice play with your new offline server emoticon.

Credits :

  • Gravity for the awesome game.
  • Ricardo ( for your compiled servers and tools
  • Zephiris, -0- and maldiablo for diff files and patcher
  • Poki#3, midas and friends for translator packs
  • Banned for the updated full data
  • All member of EAthena Support Board
  • and finally you, for reading this guide.


  1. the char server login server and maps server is all fine and i got sc client but every time i open a hexed.exe i get a sprite shadow error =/ help please =]

  2. por favor eu estou iniciando o hexed.exe ( cliente pra iniciar o jogo ) mais so da erro gravity eu não estou nem conseguindo entrar no jogo mais me ajude por favor
    e queria saber como fazer um hexed com icone e nome do meu servidor tipo o do xilero.

  3. To silentcows : I think there's nothing wrong with your servers. Have you downloaded the latest kRO clients (ver. 0417) ? If you have, check your sakexe version to be patched. You must use the latest sakexe file compatible with the client.

  4. To Renan : I'm sorry, but could you speak in english ? I could not understand what you said ^^.

  5. thanks for the guide.. now i can make my own offline RO game.. if i have a questions regarding to it i post it immediately.. thanks bro..

  6. To Kim : I also glad that you've made it. Of course, you could post quetions about the guide, and i'll asnwer them as long as i know about the solutions.

  7. Sir,. im finish on configurations and others but i cant connect to my server..

    ResourceError: Can't find file ************login_interfacewin_transbtn.bmp

    so, what the possible problem sir?

  8. Sir.. hehe thanks.. i finally got it..whew... but i only have a little problem how can i make a GM account??

  9. thank you sir....i'm done. All i have to do is to know all item id's and other details of every things in RO..

  10. Bro.. where i can change the rates of my server

  11. hehe.. sry bro if i have a lot of questions huh.. cuz im very

  12. where i can download an edited configurations cuz i didnt know how to edit configs.. can u help me bro... and one more thing.. my server doesnt not support Lord Kaho's Horn or Special Wings at all...

  13. To Kim : You can change the rates of your server at : your_athena_folder/conf/. You'll find some conf file for drops rate, experience rate etc. (ie. drops.cfg). Oh yeah, about additional script/conf for unsupported items (i.e. Lord Kaho horn etc), you can find them at

  14. Ok, sir thanks a lot....

  15. Sir.. its kinda hard to find the Updated Configuration using Text Database.. im you dont mind.. hehe do you have a preferred site for it?..

  16. i just want to ask,how i can update my offline?
    i already buy the offline edition in cd,but i only have 2-1 profession,i wan more jobs and item,plzz help me..

  17. i just want to ask,how i can update my offline?
    i already have it.... plzzz1000x help me ny telling me... i have Iro server and i sure u know about it.. plz1000x.. i wan 2 know...

  18. When i open 2007-10-09a_Sakexe_ it shows tat ijl15.dll missing. And i have reinstall whole program many times but it din help .
    Help me plz. THX

  19. @LYS : ijl15.dll is is the library that provides JPG compression functionality for Intel machines. So it's one of the system files. You should downloaded the dll file in order to run RO game on your computer. You can download the file for free at many dll sites. You can search them with google using the file name as the keyword. OK, good luck.

  20. Sir, How can I make a GM accounts on my own ragnarok private server? tnx mOre pOwer..!!

  21. i trust you that this doesnt have virus :P

  22. i really wanna play Ragnarok Offline because i dont want to pay for online...this guide is actually really good and helpfull! thank you so much!

  23. how come it doesnt say how to use the translator packs??

  24. is this compatible with windows vista? >__

  25. Sorry to bug you, but may I ask something regarding my offline RO?

    I've followed the guide and have been successful in creating my own private server, but it keeps lagging heavily when I want to play.

    I'm quite sure that my computer meet up with the standard requirements, so I think maybe there are some settings I have to change. So, can you give me any suggestions? ^^

    Also, I have another little problem, but since it is not crucial, I won't ask for now.

    So, thanks for reading and I am looking forward to your suggestion. ^^

  26. Oh, lol, don't mind it. I managed to solve the lagging by making it full screen. XD

    Btw, why does my Ro crashed after I choose my character when I used the latest sakexe (2008-3-25 version)(patched already with DIFF)?

    But it's not important since I can still play with older sakexe, I'm just asking out of curiosity, so if you are really busy, don't bother to answer my question. ^^

    Thank you.

  27. @ James : Go to your eathena folder, to the subfolder 'save'. Open file 'account.txt' with notepad. You'll see the account information of each user. Just copy the user ID on the left side of the username (for example : 2000002), then close the file. Go to the 'conf' subfolder, then open the 'GM_Account.txt' with notepad. Paste your user ID on the new line, and add the GM level on the right side of user ID (for example : 2000002 99). You could also simply remove the double-slash mark (//) in the file to activate your ID as GM.

    @ Carlos : You're wellcome. Of course there will be no virus, otherwise you copy it from the PC which was infected by the virus.

    @ Hannah : I've never tried to play RO-offline with Windows Vista. But i think it'll be compatible.

    @ Shin : You can set the configuration of display and sound settings in the ragnarok. I don't remember the name of the shortcut, but if you have installed ragnarok and sakray, there will be 3 icons on your desktop. The first one is ragnarok, the second is sakray, and the third should be the icon for the display/sound config. Just click on it (i guess you could also find it from the start menu). The configuration setup also appeared if you ran ragnarok for the first time.

    If you want the best performance, you can use the low-settings e.g. Use the full-screen mode, use 2D sound, lower the sound frequency, bits and channel, lower the details for sprites and texture etc. So, just find the settings which suit your PC the best :)

    If those settings don't help, you could turn off some programs which run on the windows background eg. Windows firewall, antivirus, instant messenger etc (just look at your system tray or task manager).

  28. @ Shin : Buddy, if you want to update the sakexe file, you should be update the RO client too. It seems that your new sakexe was not compatibe with your old client :)

  29. Hehehe, I've solved the lagging problem before. Still, thanks for your suggestions. ^^

    Well, actually, I used the newest client available which is 0305, but yeah, it's still few weeks older than the sakexe.

    And the EAthena Server link you provided can't be opened (at least by me), so I'm just telling you. Maybe it was too old already.

    Thanks for the tutorial though. ^^

  30. will i add some npcs?
    just like job changer npc, warper, healer, etc.

  31. its cool and it looks like so easy to make, however it would be nice if i can download a ready made offline server with max level of 99, so i can come up with somethng before i start making my own, for some negotations you can send an email to me thnaks! hope i get one

  32. @ nowerkie : Go to the npc folder of your server directory. Place the custom npc script inside custom directory (/npc/custom). Go up to npc directory and edit the scripts_custom.conf to add your custom npc.

    @ raphil bautista : By default, eathena is ready to play as long as you install RO clients in directory C:/Program Files/, you understand koreans and you use local IP address ( :)

  33. sir the server link here is currently dead! plz do something about it!!

  34. the steps mentioned above for the server configuration dosen't works for other eathena txt 100000[stable] .rar! what to do? help plz

  35. sir the error report is "unknown packet 0x2b26 from map server,disconnecting" plz help me out

    Ardhi Says :
    "Did you use the latest eathena ? I've heard that some of the latest servers had such kind of error. Unfortunately, i have not try it by myself because i'm also very busy with my daily works recently, so i still did not have enough time to test the new servers. Sorry.

    I suggest you can use another stable version instead of the latest one"

  36. i just want to play RO becouse it may the best game i never see!

  37. I have the same problem gautham, when i try to conect. appears "disconected from server". And the same error " unknown packet 0x2b26 bla bla bla... help plz I'm spanish and I don't find nothing in spanish. I have the wish , HERE!!! xD so..

    Ardhi Says :
    "Please read my previous comment with gautham. I'm sorry, i still don't have much time to test the latest servers/clients as well as updating this guide"

  38. i have the same problem of the unknown packet 0x2b26 plz help me plz

    Ardhi Says :
    "Same as my comments above. So many reports of packet errors. It seems that i have to test the latest clients/servers soon ! :mrgreen: "

  39. why my server wont load properly??help me pls T_T thx

    Ardhi Says :
    "Could you please describe the errors more specifically ?"

  40. After i make my char and i try to log into the game,it says disconnected from server?and mapserv.bat [info] receive fame list of 0 characters
    [Warning]map server disconnected from char server

    Ardhi Says :
    "Please read my next comment ;) "

  41. hi, glad that i found your guide, but i'm running in some problem. the server.bat is running fine and i can also login to the user that i just created, the problem comes after i select a character i shows an error "Failed to Connect to Server".
    I've checked the IPs, they're set to

    Can you help me fix this.

    Thank you.

    Ardhi Says :
    "There are some possibilities which caused this error :
    1. You've used old packet ver eathena (eg. ver 7 or 8 ) with RO new clients. Some latest clients only receive eathena with packet ver 9.
    2. You've used old (out-of-date) sakexe for the new clients. It's better to use the latest sakexe (or at least the one which has been released in 2008) for the latest clients.

    I hope it solves your problem :) "

  42. all server is complete,but once i press enter on my character on login screen,the "server connection closed" is showed up...........can u tell me why this problem occur?pls help me.....

  43. i already make it but..
    -my mapserv.bat have to many eror but my grf-files.txt is in the correct place and the script is also correct
    -how to fix this?? can u help me

  44. when i login, there a message show failed to connect to server...why?i do all this correctly...=(

  45. at the diff patcher
    the space 'diff file to use'
    is it suuposed to be for eg: D:Gravity2008-08-20aSakexe.exe

  46. I DONT GET IT!!
    everytime i press the patched sakexe shortcut,
    only a small window titled 'error' which says nothing and has an 'OK' button.


  47. hey this is a great post! but i have a quesiton to ask you. How do u raise the max lvl your character can go? In my private server i can only reach lvl 99 and stop. i have tried raising the "max_lv" to 500 but when the servers ran it said there was a problem (maxium lvl 127) thus defaulting back to lvl 99. Please help me out you can also write to me y email too

  48. hi .... i started my server and i got this ..{cant connect to MySQL server on (111) Can u help me out please ^_^

  49. how can you link ragnarok offline?example you have 2 comp and you want to have a duel at ragnarok offline please answer.

  50. Tanya dunk... Kalo kita mau bikin server kita online (maksudnya buat maen bareng temen) itu tinggal ngubah ip addressnya ke ip kita trus suruh temen2 kita melakukan hal yang sama, atau ada langkah lebih lanjut? Thanks!

  51. Hey there...i've follow all the instruction but still cant run the game..once i click on SAKEXE, its showns error contains nothing with a [ok] m i gonna fix his problem? please reply ASAP !

  52. my computer restarts when i tried to run my RO, i wonder why?

  53. I would like to do i create a admin ID or gm ID ?

  54. Uhh so you can't update it anymore??

  55. hi i keep getting rejected after i type in my id/pass then i click login, then i click on my server, then i get disconnected. how can i fix this?

  56. Sir I have a problem in my ragnarok offline each time I run zwROexe.exe my computer restart... I already scanned it with kaspersky anti vir and theres no virus... can you help me with this problem? thanks in advance... more power

  57. i wanna ask some question... why i'm extract the full data v3 to folder data... & i can't find the "sclientinfo.xml" at data folder, so what should i do?? thx

  58. Hi everyone.. i actually cant find that “sclientinfo.xml” as well.. I think all the servers are alright, since there are no errors shown up.

    When i opened the "Shortcut to 2007-04-17a_Sakexe_v10" this is my Sakexe, the from the output od the "diffpatcher" software, there are erros. Sort of window came up.
    It says "Gravity(tm) Error handler... Unexpected program error occured !!! Ragnarok will be shutdown because of unexpected program error. Please report there errors to Gravity or Game Master."

    Can you please help me?

    Oh, by the way, aku orang indo nih = ) asal jakarta
    Nama ak Hendro, met kenal Ardhi

  59. Hi... Everything went perfect until I created a character! I cannot use the character at all because the server always rejected it. What happen?! Pls help...

  60. Macam mane nk dpt patch dan data2 offline???

  61. Hi there, can u update the latest guide, firstly bcoz of many updated servers there, i dunno which one to use coz most of comments make me stuck which one 2 download or use, some broken link also, so if u have time please feel free to update this website, im gladly to check it everyday, :) ape2 pun keep it up dude, best site to learn.

  62. sir!.. can u send me the eathena patch... and how to register as a GM?? and could u send me the GM commands for this game..

  63. aku pengen download RO offline

  64. Everything went correctly and I followed the directions, can make character, but after the loading screen I get "can't find sprite" errors. What could I have done wrong? All the correct sprites are where they are supposed to be in the specified GRFs.. I am so confused, please help -_-

  65. siR...iL juz ask...becOz,ive bOught a CD installer of an Offline versiOn of RAGNAROK,named "RAGNAROK OFFLINE 2nd REV"...i followed the right methods in installing it..the thing is it needs to be cracked though i follow the rules of cracjing it but i cant see the "CRACK FOLDER or the RAZOR folder" needed to run the game..hOw will i look for it?i luv playing RO,pls help me

  66. the link on the eathena server dl is not working O.O do you another url.. tnx

  67. the difpatcher and eathena server dl link is not working.. can u help me get another link or url tnx

  68. dude can u send this file 2 my email.,i dont have internet.,thats why im so intereting with RO offline tnx.,.

  69. hey man nice tutorial but im having a problem. when i run the 3 server things they run just fine but when i try running the game it closes and i get this unexpected error message :/

  70. your eathena server link is a broken link can you give me a correct one?

  71. Hi there why is my login page slanted sideways and it's not in full screen though I have set it to go full screen? And after I have chosen the character there is a pop up box saying 'REJECTED FROM SERVER'? Do anyone have any idea what is going on? BTW, I used Client RAG/SAK0325 and 2009-05-20b Sakexe and I have used 13733 Stable Txt. Please reply ASAP if anyone got any idea. Thank You

  72. hi,., can u make/do a new link for the eathena download????? i wish you will read this,., THX
    'cause i'm really really like this game,., i want to play my own offline in my laptop.,, so tHX for now,., pls.. read...............

  73. help me pls make a config text to my command folder i cant find anything about config

  74. hmp! please help me?? why do i always get rejected by my own server... it always appear "Rejecte from the server" help me i need reply as soon as possible

  75. Thx for the awesome guide. Using eAthena trunk svn instead of the stable version fixed the "Rejected from the server" issue.Running the latest KRO + Sak btw.

  76. hai..aku mahu tanya sama lu..aku punya RO offline lama punya..bagaimana aku mahu letak itu karekter baru?seperti 3rd job?

  77. Its works. Thanks dude u ROCK!!

  78. helow sir can you teach me how to create ragnarok offline?

  79. i cant find eAthena-TXT-10453[Stable].RAR ...i even go find eAthena server but fail seek the file~~can u give other web tat i can download or mail me

  80. can u send this completly configured and ready to play via email?, because its really a bit complicated for me to do this and i dont know if the process is updated...please email me if you

  81. got it right. but when i try to login. it always says "Failed to Connect to Server. damn. im doing fixing things and repeat the guide all over but still the same result. please help me. i really want to play my own server.

  82. Hola estaba buena la guía lo malo es q dejaste a mucha gente cn dudas...

  83. ragnarok offline zeny cheat it is not??

  84. how to update ro content to the old one? i have new eathena svn but not all item in database cannot use...

  85. I'm sorry, guys ... i'm too busy with my works and research right now, therefore, i could not reply all comments immediately. I will respond to them as soon as i have enough spare time ... cheers :D


  86. Sir , please help me make ragnarok offline server using eAthena that has transcendent class (3rd job) .. I perfectly followed ur instructions but still got errors like Character denied" ..pls hep ....

  87. sir.. i found your post usefull.. but the thing is.. i cant download the eathena file.. i think the link is broken, can you reupload it sir.. plss... thanks

  88. macam mana ya, mau save id dan password saya?
    saya masukkan id dan password nya boleh, boleh main sekali..
    tapi bila exit game, mau masuk balik ke id dan password yang sama enggak boleh, kenapa ya?

  89. i did not find this eAthena-TXT-10453[Stable].RAR..

  90. Thanks for the great insight in this post. I like your post about Ragnarok Offline ~ Newbie Guide (EN) so much because this post discussed in step by step analysis. Its very helpful for me in many ways. Thanks for sharing.


  91. this guide is for noob...easy understand easy make...sql server far better...txt server sucks...anyway u better teach the newbie how to make sql server with register page and hosting server...btw....nice guide at least

  92. hai...i have a problem to begin with ragnarok offline...can you send some detail explanation to my email on how to begin with..i hardly find the installer u gave on the tutorial..plz help me...i really want to make my private server..:(

  93. please help me where i can download eathena for free and not blocked....

  94. sir,please help me i ve done it all but when im ready to play it say failed to connect server...but the map conf,log conf,and char conf are working properly

  95. sir,please help me i ve done it all but when im ready to play it say failed to connect server...but the map conf,log conf,and char conf are working properly

  96. can you update to the latest version? what version should we download now. and are all the step are the same?

  97. Hi, great guide. Hope your still answering questions. I did everything you said but after selecting my character from the hexed client and waiting. It says failed to connect to server.

  98. This sucks I've read your guide around thirty times. I've redo everything enough times to do it with my eyes closed yet I still "fail to connect to server" every time I try to actually play offline. Please help. Email me at Thanks.

  99. SIGH*
    Too bad, all the download links are unavailable...
    I hope that it will be re-upload.

  100. dude kindly update all your links coz theire severely dead....thanks this guides really helped me a lot and im creating my new server right now..but the problem is those links..thanks..kicdly update them for me

  101. Any updates about this topic? I think your guide really helps alot but for now we need updates about this because ro has it's new version now.

  102. can you send me your data of that ro offline coz i dot know how to get it......tnx

  103. Guys try this website...
    This have a new anthena trunk...

  104. Hey, i can see the login screen, but everytime i choose my char and log on (note : with my char, you know to the ragnarok world) it keep saying please wait and then failed to connect to the server. it happen everytime i logon to the ragnarok (see note). I think my server is alright cause there's just 1 or 5 errors. Please Help me

  105. plzzz help me my gm account when i log in my gm account they said rejected from the server plz help me to fix that

  106. how can i get the items that i wanted?? what will i type?

  107. rhthtjtyjhththtyjhtyjhthththththththththtghth

  108. hi. i just not good with all this setup . so i just bought the ro offline cd game from my nearest pc shop ..
    1- the game used the oldest patch which is the war of emperium !!
    2- how do i change the patch to the newest one ??
    thx in advance !!!

  109. If there are not many errors when loading the maps, make sure that other servers are online and ready. If every thing’s OK, congratulations ! You’ve finished the main process.

    *what do you mean by servers are online and ready?? i don't get it..*

  110. I cant finish my charserver from saving files

  111. Is this RO Offline haave the 3rd jobs?

  112. sir help me my char, login, and map are all fine but when i run my rag.exe or sak.exe theres only a blank box appear. i know you can help me. thanks!

  113. where can i download eAthena links are not working please help sir thx a lot (Links for items to be Download) Tnx in advance!
