
Friday, November 22, 2019

Gunpla #57 - P-Bandai HGUC RX-78-6 Gundam G06 [Mudrock] Review

Finally, the Gundam G06 a.k.a. Mudrock receives its HGUC treatment. Tell the truth, I was a little bit underestimating this kit because of  'unconvincing' pictures shown by the promo images when Bandai announced it few months ago. After completing the build however, I should revised my skeptical thoughts, because ... this kit is truly amazing!

First things first, the Mudrock came with 100% new parts. Yep, 11 runners, 2 sheets of stickers and 100% new molds, no reused runners from previously released kits. This alone makes the Mudrock on the same league with other 'original' pbandai kits such as Pale Rider, Gundam TR-6 Woundwort and Gundam Pixie. 

The Mudrock itself looks so quite different from most of its kind in UC timeline. In contrary with other RX-78 Gundam series, it doesn't have slits on the face plate. Also, with those giant cannons on the backpack, it looks more like a hybrid between gundam and guncannon. Moreover, the Mudrock bears a striking resemblance to Duel Gundam from MS Gundam Seed, especially with the green eyes. That's also the main reason I choose red eyes for the build, to distinguish it from the Duel Gundam. 

Did I said there are red eyes and green eyes? Yes, you get two colors of eye stickers. The sticker sheet itself is very minimal as it only contained the two eyes, two sensors and 'V' insignia of the gundam. Again, unlike any other HGs, this kit doesn't use stickers for color separation at all! However, of course, there were still parts which needed to be painted in order to match the color correctly, such as the thrusters on the backpack, crotch and legs. 

Anyway, the main feature of this kit is the ability to switch between the complete and incomplete version of Mudrock. For that purpose, you get two versions of shoulders and calves, and you can switch them easily. That's a really big bonus given by Bandai this time. No matter which version you choose, both are aesthetically awesome.

Another interesting feature is articulation of the forearms, which could twist in 360 degree. This was made possible by the use of special polycaps connected to the double jointed elbow, and it makes the arms having much wider range of moves compared to ordinary HG kits. This was the second time I saw this kind of feature after HGUC Gundam TR-6 Haze'n-thley II which was released last month. The articulation of legs are pretty much similar with HGUC Gundam Revived because they used similar joints system. The shoulders and torso, on the other hand, only use ordinary ball joints with few degrees of articulation. This, however, didn't prevent me to make various cool poses at all, because in general, the kit was solid and the articulation was really good. 

This kit came with a pair of clench hand for holding the beam sabers and one trigger right hand for the beam rifle. And as usual, you also got a pair of beam effect parts for the sabers. Finally, there's a sheet of marking sticker to add some details to the kit.

The verdict, as I mentioned before, this kit was amazing! 100% new parts, the ability to easily switch between the complete and incomplete version, the minimal use of foil stickers and  special articulation of the forearms in one HG kit, with a fair 2200 Yen price tag. The only downside I found were the lacks of hands and the use of ball joints for torso and shoulders. Should you buy it? Yes, I really recommend it! 


RX-78-6 Gundam G06 [Mudrock]

  • Uses 100% new parts
  • Could easily switch between Complete version and Incomplete one.
  • Minimal use of foil sticker
  • The forearms have special articulation which enables them to twist 360 degree.
  • 2200 Yen price tag, for every thing mentioned above.
  • Still use ball joints on the torso and shoulders
  • Lacks hands, especially the opened one.

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