
Sunday, November 9, 2008

On The Way to The North Moluccas - Part 1


Yah. Maluku. Tepatnya Halmahera, maluku utara. Tengah malam kemarin gw dapat pemberitahuan kalo gw dapat tugas mendadak buat ngelacak buoy yang hilang di perairan halmahera utara.

Kaget ? Ya iya lah. Siapa yg nggak kaget pas lagi asik-asiknya menikmati malam minggu tiba-tiba ada SMS masuk ngasih tau kalo gw harus siap pagi-pagi besok ke bandara. Gw aja baru baca SMS jam 1 malam. Kalo berangkatnya minggu pagi-pagi, gw nggak tidur dong emoticon. Untungnya besoknya, gw dapat konfirmasi kalo berangkatnya senin, jam 5 pagi. Fuuhh, masih bisa siap-siap dulu kan.

Senang ? Sudah pasti. Nggak ada yg lebih menyenangkan dibandingkan menjelajahi tempat-tempat baru. Apalagi gw baru pertama kali ke Halmahera, pasti seru ketemu sama penduduk asli di sana. InsyaAllah kalo nggak ada halangan gw sampe di sana, berarti hampir semua pulau besar di Indonesia sudah pernah gw injak. Hehehe ... emoticon

Bingung ? Nah ini dia. Ini kali kedua gw berangkat survey sendirian. Dulu sih pernah juga berangkat sendirian ke Bali. Tapi kalo di Bali nggak mungkinlah gw nyasar, lagian sebelumnya gw juga pernah beberapa kali ke sana. Sekarang gw mesti ke maluku utara, yg jelas pasti beda sama di Bali. Terus perjalanannya juga disambung-sambung, habis naik pesawat ke Ternate terus lewat jalur laut ke Sofifi, terus nyambung lagi ke Tobelo. Semoga nggak ada apa-apa di perjalanan. Amiin.

Takut ? Ehm ..... Iya juga. Tobelo kan dulu pernah terkenal dengan Genocide tahun 1999. Ketika itu ada konflik SARA, katanya banyak orang muslim dibunuh dalam semalam emoticon. Deg-degan juga sih.

Semoga aja bisa cepat sampai, terus cepat pulang. Bukannya apa. Kerjaan gw dalam satu setengah bulan ke depan luar biasa padat, mulai dari kerjaan kantor sampai tugas kuliah. Minggu ini mungkin terakhir kali gw bisa santai-santai.

Ok dah, mau siap-siap dulu. Nanti di sambung lagi kalo sudah sampe di Halmahera. Moga-moga di sana ada internet.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Naruto ~ Pain's Identity


Ok. Just as i thought before. The seven bodies of Pain which had been appeared in the manga were in fact, came from the other people's corpses (weird ..... emoticon). Pain collected some of them, and somehow, connected the dead bodies to himself with an unknown jutsu (or machine) by attaching a kind of metals as a set of studs on the bodies, so he could control them completely from the distance. In addition, he also could share his rinnegan to the bodies, in order to get each one's field of vision. As for Pain, he could hide somewhere and fight without getting worried to be beaten by the opponent.

By doing this, unless the opponent had the knowledge or ability to find and defeat the real body (probably Nagato), it would be almost impossible to defeat him in the combat. Cool !

This ability was almost similar with the former Akatsuki member, Sasori, but in my opinion, pain's one was more insane. Not only he made dolls from dead bodies, but he also could control them from the distance (without strings, offcourse), use the boddies former jutsus, and also could talk and coordinate with each other smoothly. And finally, why did he also use the cutest girl appeared in Naruto manga so far as his seventh body ? Why Kishimoto-san ? Whhhyy !!!!???

The most important question is, if pain is so extremely powerful, why did he still took orders from Madara Uchiha ? Does it mean Madara is more more powerful than him ???

Well, let's wait the next Naruto chapter (ch 425). By the way, the story itself became more intense and there would be more sad stories from the konoha peoples waiting for us.