
Friday, April 20, 2007

HARIMAU Coordination Meeting

There was a meeting among three institutions in Indonesia ; BPPT, BMG and LAPAN, about the coordination program of HARIMAU (Hydrometeorological ARray for Intraseasonal variation Monsoon AUtomonitoring). I don't know who'd given such name to the program, but it would make me laugh sometimes when i heard the acronym emoticon.

HARIMAU Coordination Meeting, BPPT April 20th 2007 

There were some well-known scientists from each institution such Pak Timbul and Eddy from LAPAN, Pak Edvin, Fadli and Findi from BPPT, my boss Pak Iyung, and some officials from BMG. And of course the japanesee scientist, Mori-San (whom i desribed in my previous blog), was there too.


The scientists from LAPAN knew me actually, but they forgot my name, because the last time i met them was about 2 years ago, when i was still in college in Bandung, and we had short conversation before the discussion began.

It was great to meet many scientists in the meeting that they sometimes threw argumentations regarding the project. The bad thing was (in my opinion), the officials from BMG seemed to be not prepared enough as they often made some statements and questions which were not necessary enough to ask in the meeting. Sometimes they explained something just like we were all not scientists at all and of course, we knew the topics exactly even if they didn't explained them to us. Besides, the officials of BMG came late to the meeting, so we had to wait about 1 hour before the meeting began. That's why i don't like BMG too much (again, it's just my own opinion). But by the way, the meeting was succesful and we would continue the collaboration in the future.

As for me, i don't feel any hesitation again to speak to Mori-San. Because he'll leave tomorrow, so i think it's better to speak anything than stay quite like a dumb. Hehehe ... by the way, thanks God, today was better than yesterday and i'm starting to get my courage and spirit again here, which were lost in the last 1 year emoticon.

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