
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Windows XP Hidden Utilities

Ok ... it's actually not the time for speaking about Windows XP, isn't it ? All people speak about Microsoft 's new 'Golden Boy', Windows Vista, so why should i write about Windows XP ? It's because many people (especially in my country) still use it for the main operating system of their PC in many edition, Home Edition, Professional Edition and of course ... 'Pirated Edition' emoticon. Another main reason was the price of Windows Vista. It's very very expensive for us to get it, i'd prefer buy a new laptop than buy this OS.

Back to Windows XP, i think most of you had already known that there were some utilities embedded with it which were also installed in your computer. These utilities could be easily accessed from the start menu (Start ->All Programs->Accessories). Yeah ... even my little niece could tell them all easily, e.g. Notepad, Calculator, Wordpad, etc. But, did you know that there were tons of hidden utilities in Windows XP ?

There were at least 43 utilities which had been concealed by Microsoft from the start menu and some of them were very useful for the system maintenance. Since there were so many utilities in the internet, and many of them also brought 'unexpected guest' for your PC like spyware, malware, virus, trojan etc, so for your (PC's) safety, i think it's better for you to know these hidden utilities.

I'm sure that some advanced users (including me) had already used these hidden utilities manually, so it might be not a big news. But i write this to share my knowledge with the others who had less experiece with Windows XP, so, if you do not like to run the utilities manually, you can use an utility to do all the stuff. It's a freeware for creating the shortcut of the hidden utilities in the start menu, so you do not have to type it manually from the Run window (don't worry, it doesn't contain spyware, trojan or something else).

Donwload Link 1 - Download Link 2

If you have already downloaded the file, install it (you must have an administrator account to do this). Then from the start menu, choose All Program -> XP Addons, and you will see all of the hidden utilities of Windows XP emoticon.

Hidden XP Utilities 

These were the previews of some useful Hidden Utilities of Windows XP :

1. (System) Configuration Utility (could be accessed from Run -> msconfig).

System Configuration Utility

The most common utility for system maintenance among the administrators. It can be used for StartUp Settings, including : StartUp Selection, Initial Files, Windows Service, and Startup Programs. I usually use this utility to disable unuseful startup programs to improve windows startup speed.

2. DirectX Diagnostic Tool (could be accessed from Run -> dxdiag)

DirectX Diagnostic Tool 

Another common utility for gamers and video editing users. This utility is used for checking directX components of Windows, including display, sound, music etc. You can also determine if your VGA or sound settings are working properly with this utility.

3. Disk Management (could be accessed from Run -> diskmgmt.msc)

Disk Management 

You can use this utility to perform disk-related tasks, such as creating partitions and volumes, formatting them, and assigning drive letters.

4. Dr.Watson Diagnostic Tool (could be accessed from Run -> drwtsn32)

Dr.Watson Diagnostic Tool 

If you have experienced an unknown error while running a program and you still do not know the cause, you should try this utility. You can also see the log file of the errors or crash and the list of the programs which have the troubles.

5. Event Viewer (could be accessed from Run -> eventvwr)

Event Viewer 

As the name suggest, this utility can provide us with the information of 'events' which had been occured in Windows, eg. error reports, application process, system process etc. You can also use it for tracking the errors which had been previously occured in windows.

6. Express Install Wizard/IExpress (could be accessed from Run -> iexpress)

IExpress Wizard 

Still use another program to make self-extracting/installing package ? Hehe ... you should check this utility out emoticon.

7. Performance/System Monitor (could be accessed from Run -> perfmon)

Performance Monitor 

You can easily watch your current system performance graphics, logs and system alerts with this utility.

8. Private Character Editor (could be accessed from Run -> eudcedit)

Private Character Editor 
Another interesting utility of Windows XP emoticon. You can create up to 6,400 unique characters (such as special letters and logos) for use in your font library. PCE contains basic tools for creating and editing characters, along with more advanced options.

9. Registry Editor (could be accessed from Run -> regedit)

Registry Editor 

It's absolutely the most famous utility of Windows since the Windows 95 era. You can easily edit the database which stores settings and options for the operating system with this utility. This is maybe the most powerful utility for customizing Windows system, but you should use it with caution, otherwise you won't be able to use your Windows anymore emoticon.

10. Task Manager (could be accessed from Run -> taskmgr or simply press Ctrl-Alt-Del buttons)

Windows Task Manager 

You can watch and manage the system process, performance, background applications and the active users of your computer. You could also run new task, shut down or restart windows with this utility. Because of its powerful abilities, this utility is usually become one of the first target to be locked by virus or trojan while infecting the computer.

11. Text to Speech Narrator (could be accessed from Run -> narrator)

Text to Speech Narrator 

"Oh my God ! I tell ya, the Windows was speaking !", Hehehe ... this could be the funniest utilities of Windows (it's useful indeed for people with low vision ).

12. Windows Migration Manager/Wizard (could be accessed from Run -> migwiz)

Windows Migration Manager 

If you have a new computer and you don't have time to configure the settings (internet explorer, outlook express or display settings) for it, you can use this utility. It could also transfer any files from your old computer into the one as long as you have direct cable connection or LAN.

13. Windows Network Chat (could be accessed from Run -> winchat)

Windows Network Chat 

You can simply use this utility to chat with someone within a LAN. Actually, you can also disturb someone with this utility (don't try that at your office or school. It is very dangerous emoticon).


Reference and Links :

- Windows Online and Offline Help

- English Wikipedia


- Rapidshare 

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The First Night in Pontianak

What a busy day. I had another chance to accompany Japanese scientists in a survey for 3 days. It would have been taken in another city which laid on the equator line, Pontianak. The purpose was to repair some troubles of Wind Profiler Radar at LAPAN site in the riverside city. Wind Profiler Radar (WPR) is an important instrument for us, meteorologist and some scientists, since it has abilities to measure the wind speed and direction at various elevation (height) above the ground. The data provided from WPR will give us some useful information to determine the phenomenon which has been occured in the atmosphere, such as MJO (Madden Julian Oscillation, Kelvin Wave etc.).

Speaking about the scientists ... ah, i forgot to tell you that there were two scientists whom i accompanied with. These two were quite different with the previous scientists i'd known. They were more serious and did not like to speak too much (especially in English emoticon). One of them was Hiroyuki Hasiguchi-san, a scientist from Kyoto University and another one was Takao Nakagawa-san, an engineer of Sumitomo Electric Co.

Hasiguchi-san (left) and Nakagawa-san (right)

Pontianak, a city surrounded with Kapuas River, the longest river in Indonesia, was remind me with towns of east borneo, since they were in the same island with this city. Because its location which was excactly on the equator line, the climate was quite hot, especially in the daytime. That's why this city was quite famous among the meteorologist which had long interest in tropical meteorology.

Kapuas River (a.k.a Landak river)

Supadio, the airport of Pontianak, was not as big as my hometown airport (Sepinggan), but it was big enough for mid-sized aircraft like Boeing 737 to land safely. There were some unique moments at the first time when i came to this city, especially about the toilet at the airport. It was very very small toilet. So, i think you can imagine what would happen when a small toilet's entered by a large number of people. Yes ... there would be a 'chaos' inside emoticon. I could even hear some people (male of course)whispered funny words like "Uwahhh ... uenak tenannn !!!" or "Duh, bakal seember nih yg keluar" during the 'process' at the toilet emoticon.

The 'Chaos' in the toilet ^^

The LAPAN people in Pontianak were very friendly. I really impressed with a young man at LAPAN, who could speak Japanese fluently. Man ... i really felt like a dumb compared with him and because the japanese prefer to speak japanese, they really enjoyed talking with him. But it's OK ... nobody's perfect including me and we are friends (honestly, i also enjoyed talking with him emoticon). It seemed that i had to learn much more about Japanese.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Bubarkan saja IPDN !!!

Kekerasan IPDN 

IPDN lagi ... IPDN lagi. Entah apa yang ada di benak para praja IPDN ini. Bukannya mengurangi atau menghilangkan aksi kekerasan yang sudah mendarah daging di institusinya, eh malah menambah daftar panjang korban yg tewas karena penganiayaan para prajanya. Korban yang apes kali ini bukan praja IPDN sendiri, melainkan warga lokal di Jatinangor. Masalahnya juga sepele, cuman gara-gara api rokok korban yang tidak sengaja mengenai salah seorang praja, akhirnya si korban dikeroyok sampe akhirnya meninggal dunia setelah sebelumnya sempat diselamatkan satpam di lokasi kejadian.

Belum lepas dr ingatan, kematian Cliff Muntu, praja IPDN yang dianiaya rekan-rekannya sendiri. Sekarang malah warga non-IPDN yang jadi korban. Ini sudah jadi bukti yg nyata kalo IPDN sudah benar-benar 'sakit' luar dalam. Mulai dari Rektor sampe Praja kayaknya sudah menjadikan kekerasan sebagai 'menu' harian mereka. Seperti yg sudah-sudah, mereka seolah dengan santainya melakukan aksi tutup mulut atas kejadian yang melibatkan praja-prajanya. "Penganiyaan itu kan masih dugaan ... " itu kata yg keluar dari mulut orang-orang 'kuat' IPDN, tanpa sadar kalo masyarakat luas sudah muak dengan kelakuan arogan dan brutal mereka.

Saya dulu termasuk salah satu orang yang kurang setuju kalo IPDN dibubarkan, karena menurut saya itu nggak akan menyelesaikan masalah. Tapi kejadian kemarin akhirnya mengubah pendapat saya terhadap IPDN. Enough is enough.

Institusi ini harus dibubarkan !!! 

Mungkin ini nggak akan menyelesaikan masalah secara langsung, tapi setidaknya pembubaran IPDN akan menghentikan kebrutalan yang seolah sudah jadi trademark IPDN, termasuk sikap arogan para pimpinan institusi yg berada di bawah Departemen Dalam Negeri ini. Kalaupun dipertahankan, saya pikir masyarakat sudah tidak lagi menganggap IPDN sebagai tempat yang 'aman' untuk menjamin masa depan putra-putrinya, ditambah lagi sebagian kepala daerah di beberapa propinsi sudah menyatakan tak akan mengirim kontingen dari daerahnya untuk menimba ilmu di IPDN. Ibaratnya, IPDN sudah di-blacklist oleh masyarakat luas. Kalo sudah nggak ada kepercayaan dr masyarakat luas, buat apa dipertahankan lagi kan ??

Semoga pemerintah bisa mengambil langkah yang benar dalam menyikapi kejadian ini. Jangan terlena dengan nama besar IPDN di masa lalu. Pandanglah dengan hati nurani. Bagaimana bila putra-putri anda mengalami nasib yg sama seperti korban-korban IPDN sebelumnya, yg kasusnya seolah ditutup2i ? Apakah anda tetap akan diam saja ? Gimana mau jadi lurah, camat atau gubernur kalo sejak awal sudah dididik seperti pembunuh ? Mau jadi apa bangsa ini kalo pemimpinnya brutal seperti itu ?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Surgery


Finally, the damn tooth had been taken out of my mouth. The surgery was faster than i expected, and it seemed that it was not a difficult one. There was only a dentist and her assistant who have done it. The dentist was very skillful that she even could still sing a song while drilling my tooth emoticon !!

Honestly, i felt a bit scared yesterday, especially during the injection process. Fortunately, it was just a little pain, and i did not feel anything on the right side of my mouth after that. It was completely numb. Then the dentist started her job, covering my face with some kind of special fabric, leaving my mouth open. By the sound of it, i could feel that my tooth had been drilled and pulled out. It was quite fast.

I felt something weird with mouth after the surgery. I could not even spit properly. The dentist said it was normal reaction by the medicine, and the numb feeling would dissapear within 1 or 2 hours later. The doctor said that i could bring my tooth back if i wanted to. I felt horrible just by looking at the tooth and the blood which covered it, so i refuse it (haha scary .. emoticon).

Despite the expensive cost of the surgery and medicines, there was such a view in the room. Ehm ... the assistants of the dentiest were pretty emoticon !! Especially the one who assisted the dentist during surgery ... ck .. ck .. ck ...  UI  Students really ... ouch my mouth ... emoticon.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mulai Frustasi nih ... help !

Akhirnya selesai juga algoritma  program nggak jelas ini. Gw sampe harus nginap di kantor buat ngerjain, itupun baru ketemu algoritma yg paling sesuai pagi ini. Lain kali gw harus lebih pintar-pintar nerima kerjaan, nggak lembek, ntar malah stress kayak gini. Sebenarnya program ini cuman dilanjutkan aja dr proyek tahun lalu yg berakhir nggak jelas juga. Makanya ntar gw nggak tau apa bakal dikasih honor atau nggak. Bodoh jg. Ngerjain habis2an sampe kerjaan utama di kantor terbengkalai dan itupun nggak jelas honornya. Kadang2 gw ngerasa bersalah sama bos dan orang2 di kantor ini, dan tentu saja, kepada negara ini, soalnya gw pake fasilitas negara buat ngerjain obyekan dr luar. Cih. emoticon

Sempat gw berpikir untuk berhenti sejenak jd programmer, soalnya pikiran lebih banyak tersita ke sana. Gw pingin lebih konsentrasi ke science, ngolah data-data meteo, bikin eksperimen kecil2an untuk penelitian pribadi dan ... udah pasti, berburu beasiswa lagi. Kalaupun bikin program, gw pingin yg bukan komersil tp untuk kepentingan scientific.

Sekolah .... entah kapan gw bisa dapat kesempatan sekolah lagi ? Kadang nggak enak banget kalo orang2 pd nanyain itu. Apalagi orang di tempat gw kerja dulu. Seolah2 mereka nggak yakin gw bisa sekolah lg. Tentu saja nggak akan bisa sekolah kalo waktu luang gw habis cuman buat program. Kapan gw bisa belajar yg lain ???

Ah udahlah, yg penting program-program ini harus selesai dulu, baru gw pikir langkah selanjutnya. Besok gw mesti bedah mulut buat ngangkat gigi yg tumbuhnya nggak normal. Gara2 gigi ini, gw sampe nggak tidur 2 malam minggu lalu. Ongkosnya lumayan mahal, tp nggak apa2lah, daripada ntar sakitnya kumat pas gw lagi kerja.

Kayaknya jadwal kegiatan gw dua minggu ini bakalan padat, malam ini ngeberesin program, rabu besok bedah ke RSCM, kamis besoknya ke kantor ngurus administrasi buat berangkat ke Pontianak sama ikutan tutorial MATLAB dr bos, senin, selasa dan rabu depan udah ke Pontianak sama peneliti Jepang. Makanya program ini harus selesai paling nggak malam ini atau kamis nanti. Singkatnya kayak orang2  bilang, ketik C spasi D, Capeeekk .... deeeee .... emoticon

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Painful Wednesday

Finally, after 30 hours of immense pain, my tooth started to stop aching. It was so painful, that my gum seemed to be strucked by
thousand needles. I'd not even could turning my pc off this afternoon because of it.
And now, i could only lay on my bed writing this blog, thanks to the modern gadget technology. I hope this toothache will be over because i can not work well with this pain.
Written with Sony Ericsson W810i + Opera Mini.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Pempek Palembang Megaria

- Bahasa Indonesia Mode -


Anda suka pempek palembang ? Atau mungkin malah blom pernah makan yg namanya pempek ? Pempek adalah salah satu penganan asli palembang yang bahan baku utamanya dari tepung dan ikan. Pempek ini sudah ngetop dimana-mana, jd rugi besar kalo anda blom pernah coba.

Bicara soal pempek, tentunya nggak lengkap kalo nggak ngomongin rumah makan tempat kita bisa menikmati pempek tersebut. Nggak seperti Bandung, mencari tempat makan yang benar-benar enak di Jakarta jauh lebih susah. Apalagi yang jual pempek, benar-benar kayak mencari jarum ditumpukan jerami. Banyak sih sebenarnya yg jual pempek, cuman masalahnya nggak semuanya OK dalam urusan rasa dan pelayanan.

Nah, sekarang saya pingin ulas salah satu rumah makan pempek yg jadi favorit saya di Jakarta. Kebetulan tempat ini sangat dekat dengan rumah kost saya di bilangan Menteng Jakarta. Lokasinya persis di salah satu blok bangunan Megaria, kira-kira 15 meter dari pintu masuk bioskop 21 Megaria. Sekilas rumah makan ini nggak terlalu kentara dari luar. Satu-satunya tanda yang memberi tahu pengunjung kalo tempat ini adalah rumah makan pempek adalah papan nama besar yang bertuliskan "Pempek Palembang Megaria" atau PPM (bukan parts per million lo emoticon).


Ruangan di PPM relatif kecil, mungkin hanya berukuran 5 x 5 meter, tapi kalo tolak ukurnya berdasarkan jumlah pelanggan per hari, jelas PPM bukan rumah makan kecil. Saya biasanya datang ke PPM setelah pulang bekerja (habis senja) dan kalo lagi 'mujur' si penjual akan mohon maaf ke saya dan bilang kalo pempeknya sudah habis. Kalo udah gini saya cuman bisa mengurut-urut perut (bukan dada) menahan keiginan makan pempek sampe esok harinya. Dan kalo pun pempeknya belom habis, saya harus ngantri dengan pelanggan lainnya, karena nggak mungkin semua orang masuk ke dalam ruangan yang kecil tersebut.

Emang apa yg bikin orang pada suka makan di sini ? Yang utama mungkin masalah rasa. Yang membedakan pempek di PPM dengan tempat lain menurut saya adalah bumbu khusus yang ditambahkan pada tiap pempek yang lain dari yang lain. Ini membuat pempek di PPM jadi lebih gurih dan sudah pasti lebih enak. Bentuk penyajiannya juga rada beda. Awalnya saya sempat bingung juga karena waktu disajikan, yg ada cuman pempek tanpa saus cuko. Ternyata saus cuko-nya udah disiapkan di meja masing-masing dalam botol besar. Jadi anda tinggal siram sesukanya ke atas pempek dan kalo udah gini nggak perlu takut sausnya kurang, tinggal tambah sebanyak yg anda suka. Ide yang bagus menurut saya.


Buat pelanggan baru yang masih 'buta' dengan pempek nggak perlu malu atau takut datang ke sini. Pramusaji biasanya menanyakan menu yang anda inginkan sambil membawa sepiring 'sampel' pempek yang ada. Jadi tinggal tunjuk ini tunjuk itu tanpa harus menyebut nama pempek yang blom tentu kita semua tau kayak Kapal selam, Lenggang, Lenjer, Adaan dan lain-lain. Pelayanan di tempat ini sangat ramah dan nyaman. Jadi kalo anda pingin nanya hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan pempek, pramusaji nggak akan segan-segan menjawabnya. Dan kalo anda perhatikan meja makan di PPM ada beberapa tulisan tentang manfaat pempek bagi kesehatan dan cara terbaik untuk menyantapnya, jarang-jarang ada rumah makan yang mau menjelaskan manfaat dari makanan yg dijualnya.


Harga pempek di PPM berkisar antara Rp.2500 (pempek kecil) - Rp.9000 (pempek besar). Mungkin sedikit lebih mahal, tp buat saya, rasa jauh lebih penting emoticon, toh nggak perlu makan pempek tiap hari kan ? Saya juga biasanya menyempatkan diri makan di sini satu sampai dua kali dalam seminggu. Dan saran saya, kalo mau makan di sini jangan pas senin malam, selasa malam apalagi weekend, biasanya pengunjung bakal ramai banget dan bisa-bisa nasib anda bisa sama kayak saya, ngurut-urut perut karena nggak kebagian pempek emoticon.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Disabled LAN caused CS 1.6 Crashed after Starts up


Yesterday, i'd tried to play counter strike again, but alas, few seconds after the loading screen, it suddenly crashed. Suprised with this 'unusual thing', i began to find what the problem was. First, i suspected that there was something wrong with the display setting of my graphic card. So i checked it, but there's not anything wrong with the display setting. I'd never changed it since i moved the pc to my current dormitory. Then i switched my concentration into the sound setting of the game, since there's some lagged sounds during the loading screen. But it just the same. The game still crashed even though i'd decreased the sound setting to the defaut one.

The confusion started since then, after i uninstalled another suspicious applications, such as K-Lite Mega Codec, Matlab or MySQL Server, the problem still had not solved. I had not know the reason until i 'd found some strange files inside the game directory. These files were beginned with word "assert_" or something like that. The size of the files was merely 36 MB, and i'd noted that these files would be created after the game crashed, maybe some kind of error report files. So i guess the problem was occured in the console system, but still i didn't understand the cause of the error.

After the failures, i've tried to reactivate the local area connection (LAN) of my computer. I've once disabled it because my computer was not connected to any network. And guess, it worked !!! So the cause was the disabled LAN !! Then i enabled it and the game started normally.

I don't know the detail reason, but it seems that the CS console had to detect the LAN during the game start up. So if you face similar problem as me, check your LAN settings. If it has been disabled, just enable it.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

POK Ver.1.0 Reloaded



Some tweaks and features are added in the same version emoticon.

Changes are :

  • Adding Reference data for WMO Number and Station Type.
  • Dividing Recapitulations into some criterias, eg. National, Province, Sta.Type etc.
  • Adding View and Printing systems for recapitulations.
  • Removing some unused menu/button, eg. User Management and some unfinished features in the menu.
  • Removing some control box of MDI-child form to prevent bugs.
  • Adding Backup System for Reference and Transaction Database.
  • Adding Compact System for Reference and Transaction Database.
  • Adding Export System for Reference and Transaction Database.
  • Adding Custom Font type and color for spreadsheet and the print-out form.
  • Adding Custom Background for both spreadsheet and print-out form.
  • Some minor changes in the source code and reference database file.

Unfinished works :

  • Merging System for Reference and Transaction Database. I have not found the best way to merge two database files with many tables in both of them. Of course, i have had alternative way to do this, but it would cost much time and energy. So i have to find another simple way for the feature.
  • Restore System. It at least has similar methods with the Merging System. Idem.
  • Import System. The opposite form of Export System. It should not be a big problem.
I've written in this blog before that this program was the most-difficult and the most-complex one i've ever made, because it had so many tables and relation in the two main database file. By the way, the grid system of the grid was quite frustating, so i've tried to avoid methods which will change the grid system of the program emoticon.


But maybe the most frustating thing of this program is the fact that it has not have formal or fixed system design which should be prepared before the making of it. So i do not even know if there will be any other features which have to be added (requsted by the client) after i remake this program.

Yaawwnnn ...... i've coded the program since 5.00 am today and it has not even finished yet. Poor me ... emoticon

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Pemukulan Gara-gara Blog

- Bahasa Indonesia Mode - 

Barusan baca-baca blog di Satu yg menarik perhatiaan saya adalah kasus pemukulan di kampus yg dialami seorang mahasiswa IF ITB oleh beberapa mahasiswa dr jurusan lain di kampus yg sama. Pangkal masalahnya ternyata tulisan di blog. Karena tersinggung dengan tulisan yg dibuat mahasiswa IF ini, beberapa mahasiswa lain naik pitam sampe akhirnya berujung ke pemukulan.

Well, what can i say about it ? Terus terang saya nggak suka dengan tingkah laku mahasiswa yg suka seenaknya main pukul. Katanya intelektual, tapi kenapa masih suka ngandalin otot daripada otak ? Toh tiap masalah sebenarnya bisa diselesaikan baik-baik. Kalo langsung main pukul, nggak usah lah masuk ITB, jadi preman aja dipasar biar puas main hajar orang. Yg punya blog sudah minta maaf dan mau bertanggung jawab, kenapa masih dihajar juga ? Gimana kalo ada saudara anda yg diperlakukan jg seperti itu ? 

Tentu saja si pemilik blog juga seharusnya lebih berhati-hati dalam menulis sesuatu di blognya, terutama kalo menyangkut opini tentang seseorang atau suatu kelompok tertentu. Memang blog adalah salah satu media yang paling mudah untuk meluapkan segala keluhan, uneg-uneg, kekesalan dan lain sebagainya. Tapi yg perlu dicatat, blog jg merupakan media yg dapat dengan mudah diakses setiap orang melalui internet, jadi norma dan etika dalam menyampaikan pendapat juga harus tetap diperhatikan, apalagi kalo alamat blog kita sudah banyak dikenal orang. Singkatnya jangan menulis sembarangan di blog. Jangan sampe yg jadi sasaran tulisan tersinggung, dan akhirnya jadi kisah tragis  seperti mahasiswa IF tadi.

Bandung Yang Sudah Tak (Ny)Aman Lagi

- Bahasa Indonesia Mode -

Delapan tahun lalu, untuk pertama kalinya saya menginjakkan kaki di bumi parahyangan ini. Waktu itu lagi musim-musimnya penerimaan mahasiswa baru. Saya ingat betul Bandung waktu itu masih sangat sejuk, walaupun siang hari. Kebetulan saat itu saya ngekost di daerah Tamansari yang nggak begitu jauh dari kampus saya di jalan Ganesha. Terkadang menjelang senja, saya biasa jalan-jalan di daerah tamansari, makan malam di balubur lama (waktu itu blom ada jalan layang), santai di taman Ganesha sampe Dago. Saat itu saya benar-benar terpesona dengan suasana Bandung, termasuk gadis-gadisnya yg geulis pisan (kebetulan kost saya dekat dengan kampus UNISBA dan UNPAS, tau sendiri lah emoticon...)

Tahun berganti tahun, wajah Bandung semakin berubah dan tidak 'secantik' dulu. Pendatang makin banyak, hawa pun jadi tambah panas. Sampah pun makin banyak. Saya masih ingat, dulu persimpangan jalan Ganesha-Tamansari pernah nyaris tertutup sampah di depan kebon binatang. Udah waktu itu saya lagi tegang-tegangnya habis dibantai pas sidang akhir, pas pulang masih pula disambut timbunan sampah yang baunya benar-benar 'wah' emoticon.

Belum lagi jalan rusak dimana-mana. Kalo anda bawa motor di Bandung malam-malam dan melewati daerah-daerah seperti tamansari atas atau jalan rajawali barat, lebih baik jangan ngebut. Entah sudah beberapa pengendara motor yang 'terjun bebas' gara-gara lubang di jalan yang dalamnya bisa mencapai 20-30 cm. Entah gimana sekarang nasibnya jalan-jalan ini, terakhir kali saya ke Bandung, jalan-jalan ini masih rusak dan belum mendapat perhatian dari Pemda Bandung.

Akhir-akhir ini muncul lagi kabar-kabar nggak enak tentang Bandung. Mulai dari gerombolan punk dengan motor yang suka mengganggu pejalan kaki, premanisme di dalam dan luar kampus sampe perampokan bersenjata. Parahnya, kejahatan banyak terjadi disekitar kampus ITB, terutama Jl. Dayang Sumbi - Juanda. Dari cerita teman-teman saya, banyak orang, termasuk mahasiswa yg pulang malam yang ditodong di daerah ini. Sampe kemarin di saya liat kabar yg lumayan bikin kaget, minimarket Circle-K di Jl.Juanda, sekitar 300 m dari ITB, dirampok. Padahal saya dulu sering banget jalan-jalan di daerah ini kalo lagi sumpek dengan Tugas Akhir, termasuk beli minuman dingin di Circle-K, walaupun nggak sering (mahal sih). Sekarang kayaknya harus mikir dua kali buat jalan-jalan malam di daerah ini.

Entah gimana pemda dan kepolisian Bandung menyikapi kejadian ini. Padahal peristiwa kejahatan di daerah Dayang Sumbi - Dago udah sering banget terjadi. So kalo anda jalan-jalan ke Bandung, lebih baik jangan keluar malam-malam, apalagi ke tempat-tempat sepi. Nggak cuman jablay, preman juga suka bersarang di daerah-daerah macam ini.